Getting rid of whiteheads is a tough job that takes a lot of patience and a religious skin care regimen. To get this type of acne under control, it takes a very thorough and aggressive treatment program utilizing strong ingredients like mandelic acid, glycolic acid, vitamin a and the correct use of benzoyl peroxide. It is most important to use these products in the right and proper way; and to use the strongest products that your skin can tolerate. The first step is always having a consultation scheduled with your acne specialist.
Have you ever started with some acne products and they worked for about three weeks and then you started breaking out with whiteheads again? This is because your skin actually got used to the products. If you allow your skin to get too used to products, you will never get rid of whiteheads. Noninflamed acneic skin is notorious for becoming acclimated to an acne routine. It takes true commitment, patience and complete adherence to your acne specilaist’s guidance to get this under control.
However, having an aggressive home care and treatment regimen does not mean the skin should be highly irritated. That’s why it is important to allow an acne specialist to coach you in exactly how to use the acne products. They are trained to know just how much to push the skin to keep getting clear; and how to pull back when it’s too much for your skin. It takes time to get rid of whiteheads – it can be the toughest kind of acne to get clear! Let us guide you in the best way to get clear skin.