BACK TO ACNE INFORMATION WHAT IS ADULT ACNE? People think if they hit past puberty, acne simply stops. For most people, it does but some percentage in the population and predominantly women still suffer this skin condition into their mid-30s or so. Some women and men...
BACK TO ACNE INFORMATION ACNE MECHANICA Acne Mechanica is a skin condition that occurs when skin is pressed against fabric, especially heavy clothing, accessories like hats, scarves and toques, tight-fitting underwear and non-breathable shapewear. It’s often mistaken...
BACK TO ACNE INFORMATION WHAT IS ACNE? Acne primarily affects the face, upper part of the chest and back where a high number of oil glands are on the skin. There are lifestyle choices that affect acne and so does food, make-up and medication that triggers it but...
BACK TO ACNE INFORMATION ACNE 101 Acne, also known as Acne Vulgaris, is a persistent and long-term skin disease that occurs when dead skin cells and oil from the skin clog hair follicles. Genetics is the primary cause of acne. This skin condition typically includes...